Thursday, July 21, 2022

Westchester Insider: Election 2022 Desk News: Statement from Alessandra Biaggi on Sean Patrick Maloney’s Threats to Fossil Fuel Opponents.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, July 21, 2022.

Statement from Alessandra Biaggi on Sean Patrick Maloney’s Threats to Fossil Fuel Opponents.

“Democratic Party leadership should take bold action to end our country’s dangerous reliance on fossil fuels — my opponent instead worked to protect a new gas plant”

New report finds Maloney received $65,000 from fossil fuel industry

Westchester, NY —  In response to today’s new report that Sean Patrick Maloney threatened Congressional offices for opposing new fossil fuel infrastructure taking $65,000 from the fossil fuel industry, State Senator and Congressional Democratic candidate for NY-17 Alessandra Biaggi issued the following statement:

“I’m deeply disturbed by reports that my opponent Sean Patrick Maloney threatened Congressional offices for opposing new fossil fuel infrastructure. Democratic Party leadership should take bold, decisive action to end our country’s dangerous reliance on fossil fuels — yet my opponent instead worked to protect a new gas plant in Newburgh and threaten those who tried to oppose it. The reason is clear: Sean Patrick Maloney has taken $65,000 from the fossil fuel industry, and now he works for them — not us.

"I took the No Fossil Fuel donations pledge because I know that if we want to take real climate action, we need to end the stream of political donations from big oil and gas. I urge my opponent to stop listening to his fossil fuel donors and start thinking about the health and wellbeing of New Yorkers.”


  • I got a call from someone on Maloney's staff, saying, effectively, ‘bury this or else...We were still kind of inclined to find a way forward on it, but soon they had so successfully threatened everyone else in the delegation” [7/21 American Prospect]

  • “During his time in Congress, Maloney has accepted over $65,000 from fossil fuel companies and industry executives.” [7/21 American Prospect]

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