Wednesday, May 31, 2023






(Valhalla, NY) - Summer is just around the corner and the time is right for free live music in the park. So mark your calendar for Tramps Like Us, a Bruce Springsteen Tribute Band, to kick off the Robison Summer Concert Series on Thursday, July 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla.


County Executive George Latimer said: “Music brings people together by creating a sense of unity and understanding. It’s been linked to forming social closeness and familial bonds. The beauty of Kensico Dam Plaza sets the perfect atmosphere for residents and their family and friends to smile and unwind.”


Parks Commissioner Kathleen O’Connor said: “We have a terrific lineup this year! Kensico is one of the County’s most popular parks. We want everyone who attends the concerts to sit back, relax and take in the terrific tunes.”


Concerts begin at 7 p.m., admission and parking are free. Please bring blankets and lawn chairs for general seating and coolers are permitted.

The other concerts in the series are:

Thursday, July 27 - Rikki Nicks - A Tribute to Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac

Thursday, Aug. 17 - Zac n’ Fried - A Zach Brown Tribute Band

Thursday, Aug. 31 - The Dave Matthews Tribute Band

The Robison Summer Concert Series is presented by Westchester County Parks and Sharc Creative with Westchester Parks Foundation, and support from 100.7 WHUD, 107.1 The Peak, Captain Lawrence Brewing Co., Hamlethub, Inspiria Outdoor Advertising, Morano Group Landscapes and Hardscapes, Westchester Magazine and White Plains Hospital.

Kensico Dam Plaza is located at 1 Bronx River Parkway, Valhalla. For more information, call (914) 864-PARK.

Westchester Insider: Westchester County: County Executive George Latimer Signs “Access to Counsel” Legislation.

County Executive George Latimer Signs “Access to Counsel” Legislation


(White Plains, NY) – County Executive George Latimer has signed into law a bill creating the Office of Housing Counsel located within the Department of Social Services which will provide legal counsel to individuals in housing matters involving eviction.


Latimer said: “Housing is a necessity. Plain and simple. This legislation will help Westchester residents who are facing hardships remain in their homes, easing the burden on our social services and lowering the number of our neighbors facing a crisis in their living situations. I commend the Board of Legislators for their work on this trailblazing legislation here in Westchester.”


This legislation will establish an Office of Housing Counsel within the County Department of Social Services for establishment of a County-wide program to provide access to legal services for income-eligible tenants and occupants. Meaning, a person whose household income is at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines or 60% of the County Average Medium Income who has legal standing in a covered proceeding. 


A covered proceeding is any proceeding in any court in the County or any administrative agency administering housing programs which involves:

·         the eviction of a covered individual,

·         challenges to rent increases based upon a landlord’s failure to provide proper notice,

·         maintaining or restoring a covered individual’s occupancy of a residential rental premises,

·         possession of a residential premises for the non-payment of rent or a holdover; restoration or maintenance of essential services, and

·         a proceeding which would result in the termination of tenancy, rental subsidy, or other rental assistance.


The legal services provided to covered individuals pursuant to this program will be at no cost to the clients. Additionally, community engagement and education to inform tenants of their ability to access legal counsel will be undertaken to help residents learn about this important program.


According to the 2020 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, New York State has the highest rate of homelessness in the country, with 92,000 New Yorkers experiencing homelessness. Even worse, in a 2016 report by Stout Risius Ross, a staggering 1.2 million households are behind on rent and landlords are actively trying to evict more than 236,000 tenants statewide. According to the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition, 220,000 evictions are pending in New York courts, including town, village, and justice courts.


Currently, low-income tenants in Westchester County do not have guaranteed access to legal counsel in eviction proceedings. Across the state an overwhelming majority of landlords are represented during eviction proceedings, whereas most tenants are not. According to the Westchester County Right to Counsel Coalition ("WCRTCC"), in normal years, when more than l 0,000 eviction proceedings are filed in Westchester County Courts, 93% of landlords are represented by counsel, while only 7% of tenants have attorneys.  Programs that provide legal counsel at no cost to low income tenants, have proven to be very successful at preventing evictions and protecting tenants' rights


This legislation will establish an Office of Housing Counsel within the County Department of Social Services for establishment of a county-wide program to provide access to legal services for income-eligible tenants and occupants. Meaning, a person whose household income is at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines or 60 percent of the county Average Medium Income who has legal standing in a covered proceeding. 


A covered proceeding is any proceeding in any court in the County or any administrative agency administering housing programs which involves:

·         the eviction of a covered individual,

·         challenges to rent increases based upon a landlord’s failure to provide proper notice,

·         maintaining or restoring a covered individual’s occupancy of a residential rental premises,

·         possession of a residential premises for the non-payment of rent or a holdover; restoration or maintenance of essential services, and

·         a proceeding which would result in the termination of tenancy, rental subsidy, or other rental assistance.


The legal services provided to covered individuals pursuant to this program will be at no cost to the clients. Additionally, community engagement and education to inform tenants of their ability to access legal counsel will be undertaken to help residents learn about this important program.


The measure passed the Board of Legislators unanimously.


Board of Legislators Chairman Vedat Gashi said: “At the Board of Legislators, we are always looking for ways to improve the lives of the residents of Westchester. This legislation does just that. I thank my colleagues on the Board for their diligent work, the County Executive and his staff for their efforts to bring this to fruition and I look forward to working with the dedicated County staff on its implementation.”


Legislator Catherine Borgia said: “This law sets a gold standard for access to housing counsel. Once the office is in operation, tenants will have access to brief legal representation or full legal representation on a host of housing matters, including eviction proceedings, landlord’s failure to provide proper notice of rent increase, maintaining or restoring essential services to the tenant, among others. Even before the pandemic, it was obvious that housing costs were too high, causing economic strain for Westchester families and harming local economies. In 2019, I spent time in several local courts and I saw how unrepresented tenants were outmatched in court. The end of the pandemic-era eviction moratorium has created a huge jump in eviction proceedings, increasing risk of homelessness for families already struggling with high costs."


Board of Legislators Vice-Chairwoman Nancy Barr said: “Safe and stabile housing is fundamental to the well-being of families and communities and is known to be an important factor in the development of children. In addition, studies have demonstrated that significant tax dollars can be saved by keeping families in their homes rather than having to house them in hotels and bus their children to schools out of district.  Providing legal assistance to low and middle income families facing eviction will help people to stabilize their lives, provide for their families and contribute to the greater community.”


Legal Services of the Hudson Valley CEO Rachel Chazin Halperin, Esq. said: “This monumental legislation puts Westchester in a small but growing category of progressive jurisdictions across the country that recognizes providing counsel to tenants effectively prevents homelessness.  We are grateful to the thoughtful and bold leadership of the County Executive and Board of Legislators for passing and signing this bill and look forward to working collaboratively with them in its implementation.  As the only provider of comprehensive civil legal services to low-income residents in Westchester County, the majority of our cases involve housing instability.  Now with this legislation, tenants will have the benefit of counsel to assert their legal rights when the basic human right of housing is in jeopardy.”




(Valhalla, NY) – The 26th Annual Asian-American Heritage Festival will take place on Saturday, June 3 from noon until 6 p.m. at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla.


This cultural festival will showcase Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Thai and Vietnamese cultures with live songs, dances, musical performances, Asian arts and cultural exhibits, Chinese paper cutting and origami, and ethnic foods. It will also include, children’s entertainment, balloon sculptures, games and face painting. Free medical and dental screenings will be available to attendees.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer said, “May is Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Westchester County is known for our strong and diverse community and the festivals are a great way to experience a wonderful cultural exchange that educates and promotes understanding amongst our neighbors.

Westchester County Parks Commissioner Kathy O’Connor said, “Celebrate the rich Asian-American culture and traditions through music, dance, food and activities for all ages right here in Westchester’s own Central Park.”

The festival will be held rain or shine. Seating is informal; bring blankets or folding chairs for seating on the lawn. No coolers will be allowed. Admission and parking are free.*

The other heritage festivals in the series are:

Albanian, Sunday, June 4, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla

African-American, Sunday, June 25, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla

·         Hispanic, Sunday, July 9, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla

·         Irish-American, Saturday, July 16, Noon to 6 p.m., Ridge Road Park, Hartsdale (Admission: $5 

adults; free for ages 14 and under)*

·         Italian, Sunday, July 23, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla

·         India, Sunday, Aug. 6, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla

·         Jewish, Sunday, Aug. 20, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla

·         Muslim Heritage, Sunday, Aug. 27, Noon to 6 p.m., Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla

Kensico Dam Plaza is located at the north end of the Bronx River Parkway in Valhalla.

Go to or call (914) 864-PARK.

This event is sponsored by Westchester County Parks and OCA – Westchester and Hudson Valley Chapter, with support from ArtsWestchester.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Westchester Insider: Westchester County Legislator Margaret Cunzio 3rd District: Blood Drive in Tarrytown - Thursday, 6/1.


The Pocantico Hills Fire Department, in conjunction with the New York Blood Center, is hosting a blood drive on Thursday, June 1 from 2pm to 8pm. Please consider donating blood or forwarding the information to others who would be interested in donating.

Westchester Insider: Westchester County Bee Line Buses: **BEE-LINE FARE SERVICES RETURN TO WESTCHESTER COUNTY CENTER**.


Effective Thursday, June 1, the Parking Office window at the County Center will reinstate the MetroCard refill machine and the sales of individual MetroCards and ParaTransit ticket books. Services will be available Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 4 pm.


MetroCards available for purchase will include a 2-Trip, 30-Day Unlimited and $22 card. The refill machine will provide Bee-Line bus riders the opportunity to add value to either their regular or Reduced-Fare card.  Purchases can be made by cash or credit card. 


ParaTransit ticket book reservations for groups will remain handled at the Michaelian Office Building by appointment through Westchester County’s Office for People with Disabilities by calling (914) 995-2959.


The County Center is located at 198 Central Avenue in White Plains and is accessible by Bee-Line routes 1W, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 27, 40, 41, 77, and Shuttle Loop F.


For more information on the Bee-Line visit or call the customer service center at (914)-813-7777, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., and on weekends from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Westchester Insider: Westchester County: May 30: County Executive George Latimer Gives Westchester Weekly Update.


May 30: County Executive George Latimer Gives Westchester Weekly Update.



During his weekly Westchester briefing, Latimer discussed:

·         Latimer was joined Village of Scarsdale Mayor Justin Arest

·         Letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

·         Bee-Line Bus Updates

·         Tips to Prepare for Hurricane Season

·         Upcoming County Events


Latimer Submits Proposal to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Regarding New York City Migrant Crisis.


(White Plains, NY) – County Executive George Latimer today discussed a proposal he has sent to the Honorable Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, in which Latimer calls for the creation of a Federal Field Immigration Court in Westchester County. This proposal echoes a plan outlined by Latimer during a previous Westchester Weekly Update. This innovative approach aims to address the complex and pressing challenge of immigration management with compassion and respect for those individuals seeking refuge.


Monday, May 29, 2023

Westchester Insider: Westchester County: 5/30 - 2 P.M. - County Executive George Latimer to Give Westchester Weekly Update.


County Executive George Latimer to Give Westchester Weekly Update.


Tuesday, May 30

2 p.m.

Watch on


During his weekly Westchester briefing, Latimer will discuss:

·         Latimer will be joined Village of Scarsdale Mayor Jason Arest

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Westchester Insider: Westchester County Legislator Catherine Borgia: Coffee and Conversation with your County Legislator - Saturday, 6/3.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I invite you to join me on Saturday, June 3 at 9AM at Matters Coffee, located at 50 Maple Street in Croton-on-Hudson, to discuss what's going on in Westchester. I look forward to hearing your ideas, concerns, and questions.

For more information, please call (914) 995-2883 or email

Yours truly,


Friday, May 26, 2023

Westchester Insider: Westchester County Bee Line Buses: **Bee-Line Memorial Day Service Alert**.

On Monday, May 29, Bee-Line buses and ParaTransit will operate on a Sunday schedule.

For service alerts and bus schedules visit

Westchester Insider: Westchester County: MEETING NOTICES – May-December 2023.


MEETING NOTICES – May-December 2023.


Go to to watch.


Meetings will be held as follows:


Westchester County Electrical Licensing Board

Tuesday June 6, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

In-person MOB1 Room 527 & Webex Meeting

Meeting number (access code): 2422 363 9838

Meeting password: nrMqeSx4b62 

Join by phone: +1-415-655-0001 US Toll and enter the meeting number when prompted

For questions or to register, contact the Department of Consumer Protection at 914-995-2657 or via email at


The Westchester County Planning Board will be meeting on 6/6/2023 at 9:00 a.m. in the Casella Conference Room (Room 420) of the County Office Building at 148 Martine Avenue in White Plains, NY. Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting may do so in person or via


The Westchester County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors will be meeting on 6/7/2023 at 1:00 p.m. in the Casella Conference Room (Room 420) of the County Office Building at 148 Martine Avenue in White Plains, NY. Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting may do so in person or via


Asian American Advisory Board Meeting – June 7th at 7 pm

Join from the meeting link



Westchester County Transportation Board will be meeting on Friday, June 9, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. at 148 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY – 5th Floor Room 527. Pursuant to the open meetings law, Board members must attend the meeting in person. Members of the public may join in person or via To make public comments remotely please e-mail for instructions in advance of the meeting.


Westchester County Citizen Consumer Advisory Council

Monday, June 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

Webex Meeting

Meeting number (access code): 2421 924 7297

Meeting password: 388MFhvMKTv


Join by phone: +1-415-655-0001 US Toll and enter the meeting number when prompted


The Westchester County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board will be meeting on 6/13/2023 at 5:00 p.m. in the Casella Conference Room (Room 420) of the County Office Building at 148 Martine Avenue in White Plains, NY. Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting may do so in person or via


Westchester County Solid Waste Commission will be meeting on Wednesday June 14, 2023 at 1:00 P.M at 112 East Post Rd., White Plains, NY – Solid Waste Commission Conference Room, 3rd Floor. Pursuant to the open meetings law, Board members must attend the meeting in person. Members of the public may join in person or via


Hispanic Advisory Board Meeting – June 14th at 6 pm

Join from the meeting link


Join by meeting number

Meeting number (access code): 2430 911 2765

Meeting password: fNZ3gT3hG9R


The Westchester County Airport Advisory Board will be meeting on:

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Westchester County Airport

240 Airport Road, 2nd Floor Conference Room

White Plains, NY 10604


The Westchester County Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board Meeting will be on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 4:00pm-5:30pm in the 2nd floor conference room of the PRC Headquarters Building at 450 Saw Mill River Road in Ardsley, NY 10502.

Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting may do so in person or via


Westchester County Board of Plumbing Examiners

Tuesday June 20, 2023 @ 3:00 p.m.

In-person MOB1 Room 527 & Webex Meeting

Meeting number (access code): 2421 001 2394

Meeting password: KWc24xcPy7A

Join by phone: +1-415-655-0001 US Toll and enter the meeting number when prompted

For questions or to register, contact the Department of Consumer Protection at 914-995-2657 or via email at


African American Advisory Board

Tuesday, June 20, 6:30 p.m.

Meeting on Webex


The Westchester County LGBTQ Advisory Board will be meeting on:

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 6:30 PM

148 Martine Ave, 9th floor, Conference Room Bleakley ‘A’

White Plains, NY 10601

Members of the public may view this meeting online at:


The Westchester County Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board Meeting will be on Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 4:00pm-5:30pm in the 2nd floor conference room of the PRC Headquarters Building at 450 Saw Mill River Road in Ardsley, NY 10502.

Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting may do so in person or via


Westchester County Transportation Board will be meeting on Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. at 148 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY – 5th Floor Room 527. Members of the public may join in person or via To make public comments remotely please e-mail for instructions in advance of the meeting.


Westchester County EMS Advisory Board

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

6:30 pm

DES, 4 Dana Road, Valhalla / WebEx


Westchester County Fire Advisory Board

Thursday, September 28, 2023


DES, 4 Dana Road, Valhalla / WebEx



Westchester County Transportation Board will be meeting on Friday, October 13, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. at 148 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY – 5th Floor Room 527. Members of the public may join in person or via To make public comments remotely please e-mail for instructions in advance of the meeting.



Westchester County EMS Advisory Board

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

6:30 pm

DES, 4 Dana Road, Valhalla / WebEx


Westchester County Fire Advisory Board

Thursday, November 30, 2023


DES, 4 Dana Road, Valhalla / WebEx


Westchester County Transportation Board will be meeting on Friday, December 8, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. at 148 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY – 5th Floor Room 527. Members of the public may join in person or via To make public comments remotely please e-mail for instructions in advance of the meeting.


Westchester Insider: Westchester County Legislator Margaret Cunzio 3rd District: Spread Holiday Cheer: Nominate a Family in Need.

The Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown Police and Pack 22 Tarrytown Cub Scouts are spreading extra holiday cheer this year by supporting families in ne...