Sunday, February 20, 2022

Westchester Insider: Choice Matters: Making History - Senators Schumer & Gillibrand.


In September, the U.S. House of Representatives did it! Our House representatives made history when they passed the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA). It marked the first time in history that the House has ever passed stand-alone legislation specifically designed to protect the right to abortion access nationwide. Now it's the Senate's turn.
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Schumer took the first procedural step to move the WHPA forward. This vital legislation will be brought to a vote on February 28 and it's time to act to ensure this vital legislation becomes a reality.

Senator Schumer promised and he’s delivering! A lifelong supporter of comprehensive reproductive rights, NYS’ senior senator and Senate Majority Leader made a promise to the women of New York and the United States. Schumer pledged to bring the WHPA to a vote on the Senate floor, and he’s doing it! This is our opportunity for a loud shout-out of thanks to Senator Schumer.

Passing the WHPA is a critical step toward creating a world where every person—regardless of who they are or where they’re from—is free to make the best health care decisions for themselves, their families, and their lives.

Reproductive justice is the human right to maintain bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities. Abortion access is a critical part of maintaining reproductive justice and must be centered as we work toward a future where every person can make their own decisions with dignity and self-determination.

New York has elected two staunch reproductive rights advocates to the US Senate. Let’s email and tweet a big THANK YOU to both of New York’s senators—Senators Schumer and Gillibrand—for being staunch supporters of reproductive rights and for co-sponsoring the WHPA!

STAY TUNED: We will let your know who we need to target--those senators we need to get on the right/correct side of this issue. Let's make history!!!

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