Friday, February 18, 2022

New York State Insider: Statement from New York State Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt: Democrats Say No to Bail Law Changes. Dangerousness not an Issue for Them.


February 18, 2022


There you have it.

Despite murder and mayhem on our streets, Democrat leaders in Albany say no to changes to their bail law legislation.

They won’t even allow a judge to consider the dangerousness of the accused criminal standing in front of them. They say such a consideration is “racist”; I say it is just common sense to have a judge – looking at the criminal history of a defendant – to decide if someone is too dangerous to be released on bail.

Albany and New York City Democrats say no, despite the evidence all around us.

On the heels of another person – this time a young, Asian woman – brutally murdered in Manhattan, Democrats turn a blind eye. The accused killer? A homeless guy with a long criminal rap sheet and a pending assault charge – previously released without bail.

After two young, New York City police officers were gunned down recently by another guy with a long criminal record, Democrat leaders of the Senate and Assembly recorded their condolences. 

Sen. Rob Ortt

Senate Republican Leader

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